Welcome to Joya,welcome to Oriental Venice
  旅舍服务 Hostel Services

The front desk is open 7:00 AM - 2:00 AM. At the front desk, you may check in/out, and can get all kinds of free tourist information. We also provide services including reserving rooms for other hotels and issuing YH membership cards. For a full-day tour-guide service, please make your reservation seven days in advance.

Free tour-guide services are provided in all gardens that are included in the list of world cultural heritages.

Charged services provided at the front desk include bicycle rent, hair dryer rent, long-distance call, grocery sales, CD burning, Internet connection and facsimile transmission; and free services include baggage deposit and mail delivery.

The foyer is open 5:00 AM - 2:00 AM, furnished with sofas, a tea bar, a book stand, and wireless Internet connection.

The laundry is open 7:00 AM - 10:00 PM, with washing machines and dryers available. The laundry service is provided for RMB 10 each time.

Shared self-service kitchen:
This kitchen is open 5:00 AM - 11:00 PM, provided with microwave ovens, toasters, induction cookers, electric rice cookers, dishes & bowls, chopsticks & soupspoons, and pots & pans. Also provided is a shared refrigerator for your convenience. We recommend that you mark your foods/drinks with your name before you put them into this refrigerator.

Tour consultation


Self-service laundry


Assist to receive mails and packages


International/Internal telephone


Luggage checking


Self-service kitchen&dining room


24 hours hot water


Bicycle rent


Reading room


Charter bus


Satellite TV


CD writing


Boiled water






Ticket management


Network phone


Internet service


Tel:86-512-67709649/82107475  Fax:86-512-67709649  E_mail:joya_yh@hotmail.com
Daxinqiao Lane 21-1, Pingjiang  District, Suzhou, 215005 , China